Influence of Early Marriage on Academic Performance of Students of Women Centres in Bauchi State
by Babayo Shehu and Halima Sarkinfada Ph.D
The study investigated early marriage and the academic performance of students of Women Centres in Bauchi State. One research question, objective and research hypothesis guided the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. A sample of 256 students was drawn from the population of 802 with the aid of Krejcie and Morgan (1971) table for determining the sample size. A research instrument titled Academic Performance Test (APT) was used for data collection which was adjudged to possess content validity by teachers in secondary schools that mark WAEC and NECO in Bauchi State with a reliability ‘r’ index of 0.68 for Mathematics and 0.76 for the English language. The null hypothesis was tested using t-test statistics. Findings revealed that: there is a significant difference between the academic performance of married and divorced students of Women Centre Jama’are, Azare, Misau and Ningi Bauchi State. It was recommended that parents and husbands should encourage their daughters and wives to go back to continuing education centres for their education.
Keywords: : Early marriage, Academic Performance of Married Women